Monday, July 1, 2019

The Studio Chapter Summer Movie Time

Hello Studio Chapter Family and Friends – looks like warmer weather is finally on the immediate horizon. This may be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences. Regardless, we hope you are enjoying your summer. And since summer is here it’s time for a movie night! Our 'resident' film historian, Annick, will be presenting some films preceded by an always informative and interesting presentation. Although the July date is our only ‘official’ get together for the chapter, everyone is invited to attend both dates. And the price is right – FREE! Just bring your own folding/lawn chair. For July we will first meet at Coco’s for a late lunch early dinner. Information can be found below. We hope to see you soon. Stay cool!

July Film and Dinner at Coco’s:

July 13, 7:30pm- From Annick:  “A Tribute to Hal Roach- I’ll be exploring Hal Roach's contributions to both Hollywood and Arcadia history and the stars he helped create. At his Culver City studio, he produced some of the most popular comedy shorts starring Laurel and Hardy and the Our Gang kids (aka The Little Rascals). We'll be seeing 3 films: "Ask Grandma," an Our Gang short from the silent era, and then Roach's 2 Oscar winners: Laurel and Hardy's "The Music Box" and Our Gang's "Bored of Education." And, of course, since this is a club meeting, there will be some Disney connections!”

First Stop – Arcadia Coco’s for dinner. Meet at 4:30. We usually try to get a table in the back room. Regular menu prices apply. Please try to bring cash. Coco’s is located at 1150 Colorado St, Arcadia, CA 91007
Second Stop - Arcadia Heritage Museum. Meet at 7:00. Museum is located at 380 W Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 (Museum is less than 10 min from Coco’s and there is free parking.) Movie takes place in the patio area around the back. Walk the pathway on either side of the building to reach the patio. You can enter the museum from the patio to use restrooms or visit the museum. Don’t forget your lawn chair and water/soda. Popcorn provided by the museum.

August Film – not a club outing but everyone is invited!

August 10, 7:30pm-From Annick: "Hell's Angels"- Directed and produced by billionaire Howard Hughes, this World War I drama was partially filmed at the Army's Ross Field balloon school in Arcadia. The aerial footage is still considered some of the best every filmed. And, this was the movie that made Jean Harlow a sex symbol star!
