Saturday, April 6, 2019

Studio Chapter April Field Trip!

We have another field trip coming up this coming Saturday April 13th. This time in South Eastern Los Angeles County – historic home of The Carpenters, LA County Dairy Farms, Orange Groves and classic 1950’s architecture and culture (not-to-mention the world’s oldest operating McDonalds). All the information you need is below along with some links to some interesting articles. We hope you can join us. As always no need to RSVP but if you are going to join us and want us to look out for you feel free to RSVP at our email address at the bottom of this post. See you real soon!

Saturday April 13th – starting at 10:30 AM

Los Angeles County Fire Museum, 16400 Bellflower Boulevard, Bellflower, CA 90706
$5 Donation Requested at the Museum
Parking: Parking is available behind the Museum’s 16400 Bellflower Blvd location. Access this lot via Oak Street.

Second StopLUNCH at Bob’s Big Boy Broiler
7447 Firestone Boulevard, Downey, Ca 90241 (parking lot at the restaurant)
This is about a 5-10 min drive from the Fire Museum. Take Bellflower Blvd north until it ends at Lakewood and veer right. Get in the left land and make a left at Firestone Blvd. Bob’s will be on the right hand side about ½ mile. You can’t miss it!
For a short but interesting history on this place visit the LA Conservancy here:

Third and Final Stop - Columbia Memorial Space Center
12400 Columbia Way, Downey, CA 90242
$3 - $5 admission – free parking
This small museum sits on what was a massive Aerospace campus that closed in 1999 after 70 years in business. At its height it employed over 25,000 people. It now houses two very large outdoor dining and shopping centers and a large Kaiser hospital/campus. (And for a short time a movie studio!) For an interesting read on this, please visit:

Studio Chapter Info: