Friday, December 2, 2016

The Studio Chapter Holiday Party

Hello Studio Chapter Family and Friends – Now that everyone is recovered from Thanksgiving gastronomic excessiveness we would imagine you are getting into the full swing of things surrounding the holidays—shopping, decorating, enjoying the beautiful decorations and festivities at Disneyland and elsewhere and spending time with family and friends. Here at the Studio Chapter we are decking the halls and preparing for the annual holiday party. We hope you can join us for a fun afternoon. Happy Holidays from The Studio Chapter!

Fun times from the 2015 party.

Activities: Cookie Decorating, Photo Booth, Raffle and Door Prizes.
Gift Exchange: If you want to participate, please bring a wrapped gift valued between $10 and $20.
Toy and Food Drive: Toys will be donated to the Spark of Love toy drive and food to the Norwalk Food Bank. Toys should be unwrapped and food should be non-perishable unexpired boxed or canned items. (Thank you!)
Let’s Eat: The chapter will be serving up a build your own Nacho/Taco Salad Bar and drinks. We are asking guests to bring their favorite Hors d'oeuvre/munchie or dessert.
When: Sunday December 11th at 12 noon to 4 PM--but you can stay as long as you want.
Where: Ron King’s home in Norwalk*

*If you are on our mailing list you would have received an email regarding the party with full address. If you did not get the email and would like to be on our mailing list please request to be added using the email address above.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quick Holiday Update

We hope everyone is enjoying this very un-fall like weather! As Thanksgiving approaches it’s time to think about our holiday party as it's approaching quickly. Below are some highlights. We’re finalizing details and we’ll post another update soon. However the date will not change so please mark your calendar. 

·   Pot Luck (chapter to supply main entrĂ©e)
Gift Exchange
Photo Booth
Food (and possibly Toy) Drive
Plus a few other things we’re talking about!
When - Sunday December 11th 12 noon. (Note: this is the 2nd Sunday in December.)
Where - Ron King’s home in Norwalk
Full details to be posted soon!

    As always please send an email to if you have any questions. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Eyvind Earle Exhibit Field Trip

& Lunch at the Tam O'Shanter

For October we'll be meeting at Glendale Forrest Lawn to view the Eyvind Earle exhibit at their museum. We've heard nothing but good things about this so we're looking forward to it. This is also where Walt and Lillian's burial site is located and plan to visit that as well. Afterwards, since we're so close, we'll meet at one of Walt's favorite restaurants the Tam O'Shanter for a late lunch/early dinner. You can attend either or both. Details below. See you Sunday.


Date: Sunday October 16th @ 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM
Where: Meet at the Forrest Lawn Glendale museum entrance.
Address1712 S Glendale Ave, Glendale, CA 91205 (follow signs for parking and museum)
Cost: Free


Time: We'll head to the restaurant at 3 PM
Where: Tam O'Shanter
Address2980 Los Feliz Boulevard  Los Angeles, CA 90039 (parking lot and street parking)
Notes: we want to arrive before 3:30. Dinner menu and prices start at 4:00 PM. Please try to bring cash to make it easier to pay the bill. Ale and Sandwich Bar Lunch Menu:

Help or Questions:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September Meeting Information

We have special guest speaker--landscape architect Kelly Comras for our September 18th meeting to talk about her new book Ruth Shellhorn. Ruth Shellhorn was a pioneer in landscape architecture and helped define mid-century Southern California with such visionary projects as Disneyland, Bullock’s Pasadena and Bullock’s Wilshire, and the University of California at Riverside. Come join us for lunch and to hear about her work on Disneyland and some of her other projects. The presentation will begin with a 15 minute documentary. 

For those of you who missed the author's panel at the Disneyana Fan Club convention here is your chance to hear one of the authors. And for those who did see the author's panel you'll be treated to a longer presentation and the full 15 min film will be shown. The book will be available for sale.

Prior to the presentation please join us for lunch provided by The Studio Chapter. We'll end the afternoon with a raffle. We're hoping to get a good turnout for this meeting and would really love to see you so we hope you can make it. All the details are below. Thanks!

When: Sunday September 18th. Lunch from noon - 1. Announcements and presentation from 1 - 2:30 followed by the raffle. 
Where: Ron King's home in Norwalk.*
RSVP: So we have an idea how many people are coming we are requesting you RSVP by Friday September 16th. It's not mandatory but very much appreciated. RSVP to

*If you are on our mailing list you would have received an email with the address. If you have not received an email from us please send a request to with your full name and we'll send you an email with the information. Note: we do not charge dues for our chapter.

More about Kelly Comras

We'll have some older Disneyland books on display including this one from 1965

Monday, August 1, 2016

A New Play By Felix Racelis

 & Meeting Updates!

Hello and thanks for visiting! Our long time member Felix Racelis has written a new play which is having it's world premier starting August 13th at the Ruby Theater in Hollywood for four weeks. For full information and how to buy tickets please visit their website below. Ticket prices are very reasonable but they do offer group discounts for 10 or more if anyone wants to get a group together. Also below are some upcoming meeting updates so please mark your calendars! See you soon...

Taken from their website:
AS STRAW BEFORE THE WIND recounts the story of Nene Santos, a Filipina nurse and enterprising owner/operator, of a fictionalized San Gabriel Valley convalescent home. Nene has ambitious plans to expand her business, which she intends to leave to her daughter and primary assistant, Pilita, who has her own agenda. So, what will become of the elderly and fragile resident patients of the convalescent home –
Poncing Enrile, a retired Filipino American Army Captain, and Mildred Novak, a chain smoking retiree widow with Alzheimer’s Disease? Nene confronts a string of setbacks and obstacles in her quest. Flashbacks of the horrendous experience she and her family endured during WWII haunt her psyche and lead to a revelation of a long kept family secret.

“This is a very personal story for me, having grown up with survivors of World War II,” notes playwright Felix Racelis. “The majority of the women in my family, including my mother, were nurses, and one of my mother’s best friends was one of the nurses stationed on the island of Corregidor during the Battle of Corregidor in 1942. ‘Nene’ is a composite character of many of these courageous women who survived the ordeal of the war, and who lived their lives with grace and stoicism. All of them are now departed. Their memories and spirit continue to both haunt and inspire me. As a playwright it’s important for me to bring these stories to the stage and to a universal audience.”

“What you will see on stage is a series of wars: a war between a mother and a daughter, between a convalescent home owner and a patient, between a loan officer and a potential borrower, and between the past and the present,” says director 
Lesley Asistio. 

For tickets and more information please visit their web site:

Upcoming Meetings! Mark your calendars and please note meeting changes below. We'll be posting more information and details on these meetings soon.

September Meeting:
Come and hear Kelly Comras talk about her new book about Ruth Shellhorn. Ruth who you ask? Ruth Shellhorn was a renowned landscape architect who was hired by Walt Disney to work on Disneyland--literally at the last minute to pull things together. Kelly will show a video about Ruth and talk about her work on Disneyland and other projects around Southern California you will recognize. Kelly was on the author panel at this year's convention but even if you saw that you'll get a more in depth presentation here. We hope you can join us!
When: Sunday September 18th at Noon.
Where: Ron King's home in Norwalk.

October Meeting:
UPDATE! We have had a change in plans for our October meeting. We'll be taking a field trip to see the Eyvind Earle exhibit at Forrest Lawn in Glendale. Since this will only be there a limited time and many of us want to see it we have decided to do this. We'll change the date to our regular meeting date so anyone wanting to go to the Anaheim Halloween Parade can still attend that. We'll re-schedule the Huell Howser exhibit at Chapman University for next year.
When: Sunday October 16th.

Questions? Please email us:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Convention News!

Join us at the DFC Convention on Thursday night July 14th from 6 to 9 PM as The Studio Chapter hosts the 'island' hospitality suite with a TIKI theme. Refreshments, bingo and a raffle await. Even if you're not attending the convention please stop by and say hello!

The DFC Convention is taking place at the Wyndham Anaheim hotel in Garden Grove from Wednesday July 13th through Friday July 15th with the Show and Sale taking place this year on Saturday July 16th. If you are interested in attending please visit the DFC website at:
Lot's of great seminars and activities are scheduled!

If you have any questions, would like to be added to our mailing list or wish to join our chapter (no fees!) please send an email to

Upcoming Studio Chapter Meetings/Events

August - no meetings scheduled
September - guest speaker tentatively scheduled for Sunday September 18th @ Ron's home in Norwalk. 
October - Huell Howser exhibit at Chapman University and the Anaheim Halloween Parade! Saturday October 29th.
November - no meetings scheduled
December - Holiday Party Sunday December 11th in Norwalk.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Trains, Mom, Plus Plays About Moms!

First off we want to wish all the moms out there a very happy Mothers Day!

More Trains! For those of you who were able to make it to the Fullerton Railroad Days last weekend we hope you got to check out the wonderful working model of the Mine Train Through Natures Wonderland. But, for those that didn't make it here are some photos and a short video. Built by hand over a 10 year period it's truly a labor of love. Enjoy! (Note: click on the photos for a larger view. Also, apologies for the poor video quality. Will try to update with a better quality video soon!)



Plays about moms! Our chapter member Felix Racelis, who has been writing plays for a while now, has a new series of 6 short plays called 'Motherload' now playing. See the flyer below or click the link for details. To get a discount on tickets enter the code 'thecat'.  

Facebook link:

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Studio Chapter Update for May

Studio Chapters members and friends enjoying lunch at Clifton's

Happy May everyone! Time for a chapter update! Hope you were able to make it to the Fullerton Railroad event. That awesome working model of the Mine Train through Natures Wonderland was worth the visit alone! If you missed it mark your calendar for next year’s event! It’s worth seeing at least once. We want to thank everyone who made it to the Union Station Tour last month. A special thank you to Dennis and Carol for guiding us through the buildings and explaining about the rich history and architecture that is Union Station. Following in this update is a brief recap of the tour with some photos and a revised schedule of some of our upcoming activities. (Some dates have changed so re-mark your calendars.) As always if you have any questions please contact us at And thank you for supporting our chapter!

Union Station Tour

On Sunday April 17th about 30 of us met for a tour of LA’s Union Station with docents from the LA Conservancy. A few of us started the day off with breakfast at famous Philippes. If you have only been for their famous French Dip sandwiches try them for breakfast sometime. It’s quite good and reasonably priced. After filling up we walked through China Town which, sadly,  is in much need of some TLC (and some trees!). Still a fun and historical place to visit. From there we headed through a bustling Olvera Street and over to Union Station.

We started at the original refurbished Information Booth for our two hour tour and wound our way through all the main buildings/sections, courtyards, and a peek into the Harvey House Restaurant. (If you haven’t been to Union Station since it was fully refurbished in 2014 it’s worth the trip. The place is gleaming with all the restored brass and fixtures. It’s quite remarkable.) We then made our way down the long passenger tunnel stopping to check out some unique pieces of art along the way including ‘The A Train’ by artist Bill Bell. It took a while to see the images but once we did it was pretty amazing. Check it out here: We eventually made our way over to the 25 story MTA headquarters building. Inside a rather grand lobby and on the upper levels were art murals depicting aerial overviews of Los Angeles from 1870, 1910, 1960 and after 2000. We also had a great view of Union Station and LA from the 3rd story balcony.

With that our tour ended and it was time to take the Red Line subway over to Clifton’s Cafeteria for a late lunch. Clifton’s re-opened late last year after a very long 4 year refurbishment and it was worth the wait. It’s a visually impressive place—more so in person than in photos due to the dark interior. While fully refurbished the first level looks mostly like it did before but with a completely reworked cafeteria/kitchen. The upper levels really showcase owner Andrew Meieran’s eclectic decorations in the best way including a multi-story ‘tree’ fireplace, meteorite, bar that was once an elaborate church alter and many taxidermy museum quality animals. And that’s a very short list! Most everyone seemed to enjoy the food as well.

It was a great day exploring two different areas of downtown Los Angeles with its many hidden gems. Check out a few photos at the end of this post and thanks again to everyone who participated and made this a big success!

Studio Chapter Schedule Update

Mark your calendars! Here are the dates to our upcoming chapter outings. Note that we have made some changes. Details are provided in the links or will be upcoming.

May – No activities planned
June – The Little Mermaid at La Mirada Theater. Details:
July – The Studio Chapter will be hosting the hospitality suite at the DFC convention on Thursday night July 14th. Tiki theme with refreshments, a raffle and BINGO!
August – No activities planned
September – we have an exciting guest speaker planned tentatively for Sunday September 18th. Confirmation of date/time and details to be announced soon!
October – Huell Howser exhibit at Chapman University followed by the Anaheim Halloween Parade on Saturday October 29th.
November – No activities planned
December – Annual holiday party at Ron King’s house in Norwalk. Sunday December 11th noon to 5PM.

Following are a few photos from the Union Station Tour

Approaching Union Station from Olvera Street
Beautifully restored information booth and flooring

The massive ticketing area normally off limits to guests.

One half of the tour group under one of the front arches.

Carol and Dennis sharing interesting information with us. Notice the beautifully refurbished brass.

In front of the Harvey House restaurant
Interior of the restaurant
Information about the Harvey House Restaurants:

Clock tower from the south courtyard

South courtyard - ready to hear more interesting facts and history!
Birds eye view of Union Station with Los Angeles city hall to the left and financial district behind it. Taken from the MTA headquarters building.
Some of the tour group waiting to ride the red line over to Cliftons
Main dining area of Clifton's.

Curiosities everywhere!
Multi-story tree with it's own fireplace.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Union Station Tour Spots Available!

Union Station Tour - 4 Spaces Available!

Hello All – just a quick note to let you know we have 4 openings for the Union Station Tour this Sunday. If you haven’t already signed up and would like to go please send an email to and we’ll send you full details. Thanks! (Note: if you already signed up you would have received a separate email from us already.)

Basic Information Here however you must RSVP to attend:
·        Date – Sunday April 17th at 1:00 PM sharp. (Please no late arrivals – plan on arriving by 12:45 PM.) After the tour we will head over to Clifton’s at approximately 3:00 PM. 
·        Price – The Cost for the tour is $10 per person or $5.00 for members of the LA Conservancy. Conservancy members may purchase 1 ticket for themselves and 1 additional ticket at the reduced rate. The cost for your meal at Clifton’s is, of course, on your own and will vary depending on what you purchase.

·        RSVP – send email to to RSVP and we’ll get you full details on where to meet, etc…

Sunday, April 10, 2016

June 2016 Outing - The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid - Broadway Show!

Thanks for stopping by! For our June outing we are planning on seeing Disney’s The Little Mermaid at the La Mirada Theater for the Performing Arts on Sunday June 12th @ 2PM. And for those who wish to, we’ll meet at Fuddruckers for dinner after the show. McCoy Rigby Entertainment always produces stellar productions at La Mirada that rival any of the theaters in Hollywood or LA and I’m sure they won’t disappoint with this one. As it’s difficult to try and buy blocks of tickets, anyone who wants to attend will need to purchase their own ticket(s). The theater has their own website where you can choose your seat and they don’t charge astronomical service fees either. Plus there is plenty of free parking! All the details are below but if you have any questions please email me. If you do want to go don’t put off buying your tickets as they are going quickly. (Oh, and they just announced that the opening show for their 2016-2017 season is Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame!! That will be starting in late September.) Lastly, please don’t get this confused with the (just announced) show being produced at the Hollywood Bowl the weekend prior. This is the Broadway stage version of the show. Hope you can make it!

The Broadway stage version at The La Mirada Theater for the Performing Arts

When: Sunday June 12th 2PM Show
Where: La Mirada Theater for the Performing Arts 14900 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada CA 90638. Corner of La Mirada Blvd and Rosecrans Ave. Plenty of free parking around the theater.
Tickets: To order tickets visit their website. The link below takes you right to the order page for the show. To sit in the same area try for seats in the Green section on the right-hand side of the balcony. Those seats are $45. (Pink section are $35 and Blue are $55.)

Dinner: For those who wish to go afterwards we’ll meet at Fuddruckers on Beach Blvd in Buena Park. Less than 10 min away. Website is below.


Fuddruckers Website

DFC Website

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Studio Chapter March 20th Meeting

So we didn't make it to the LA County Fire Museum (we'll do that another time) but we did have a fun day at the parks. A few of us arrived early to experience Luigi's and the Jungle Book preview. Then we met up with the rest of the group for a relaxing lunch at Tangaroa Terrace. This is a nice place to eat in a peaceful tropical setting away from the crowds. After lunch we spent some more money in the shops and having ice cream then checked out the Frontierland construction. Since the day was somewhat 'tropical themed' we payed a visit to our favorite singing birds in The Tiki Room. All in all a nice day. Thanks to those who were able to make it! For those who signed up for the Union Station Tour, we'll see you next month! Happy Easter and Spring Greetings to you all! 

Lunch on the terrace. Clockwise from top right: Don, Steve, Dennis, Stephanie, Leslie, Peter, Robin, Richard, Eric and Ron K. (And hiding behind Dennis-Ron E.)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March Meeting Changed – due to low response we are postponing our tour of the LA County Fire Association Museum to another time. As a last minute ‘replacement’ we are going to the parks! If you are able please join us for lunch at Tangaroa Terrace at the Disneyland Hotel at 1 PM. Afterwards we will spend some time in the parks and Downtown Disney. This is just a casual get together so no need to RSVP. See you real soon!

Join us March 20th at 1PM for a casual get together and lunch at Tangaroa Terrace at the Disneyland Hotel.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Club Meeting - March 20th

March 2016 Meeting Information

Hello Studio Chapter Family and Friends – With all this heat and the mid-year show and sale this past weekend you would think we were in the middle of July! Hope you are all enjoying the heat—or at least taking advantage of it somehow. J If you did make it to the show and sale we also hope you found some new treasures to add to your collection or, at least, got to visit with friends and other club members. We have information on our March meeting below. Similar to the Union Station tour space is limited so it does require an RSVP. Also please note the RSVP email for this tour. Please do not reply to this email to RSVP. (But, if you do accidentally, we will forward it onto Steve so no worries J ) We hope you can join us as it sounds interesting!

For our March meeting we will be touring The County of Los Angeles Fire Museum Association museum. They have brought together a collection including more than 60 examples of historic apparatus, some dating back to the 1800s, as well as hundreds of artifacts and thousands of photographs, related to Los Angeles County firefighting.  The most popular vehicles in the collection are the original paramedic/rescue Squad 51 and the two Engine 51s from the 1970’s television show, “Emergency!”  The collection is currently housed in warehouse locations in South Gate and Bellflower, California, as construction gets underway on a permanent museum building nearby in Bellflower.

Also included in the collection are two vehicles that will be popular with members of the Studio Chapter - an 1888 Silsby Steam Fire Engine, and a 1916 American LaFrance Fire Engine (aka:  the Disneyland Fire Engine driven around Main Street, U.S.A. and used as a mobile bandstand for the Firehouse 5 - Plus Two Dixieland Jazz band).  Both vehicles belonged to Ward Kimball, and were donated to the museum after his passing.

After our tour, we will make our way to a local eatery for lunch and socializing.

RSVP’s ARE REQUIRED.  Our volunteer can handle a group of 20.  If we have more, he can arrange for a second volunteer, and we will split the group in 2, with a maximum group size of 40.  Email RSVP’s to on or before March 13th.

While the museum does not charge for tours, the Studio Chapter is requesting a donation of $5 from each attendee, to help the museum’s efforts.  Acquisitions, restorations and operating funds for the museum are supported by monthly and annual membership dues paid by over 3,000 active-duty Los Angeles County fire fighters, retirees, members of other fire departments and the public.  No federal, state or local funds are provided for this effort.

When: Sunday, March 20th, starting at 10:00am (allow about 2 hours for the tour)
Where: Los Angeles County Fire Museum - 9834 Flora Vista Street, Bellflower, CA  90706
RSVP: Forward or send an email to Steve Lombard at: on or before March 13th.
Payment: Please bring your $5 cash or check donation with you to the tour.
Let’s Eat!: We will determine a local restaurant to have lunch at after the tour.  If you can, please indicate if you are interested in joining the group for lunch so we can plan.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tour of Union Station - April 17, 2016 WAITING LIST ONLY

For our Sunday, April 17th meeting of the Studio Chapter, we have an exciting and delicious day planned for you. First off is a L.A. Conservancy Tour of Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles. Club member Dennis Ritchey will conduct the approximately 2 hour tour and share the history and architecture of the beautiful Union Station. Depending on availability we may get to venture into some areas normally off limits to the public as well. Dennis has been conducting these tours for the L.A. Conservancy for years and is a wealth of knowledge on the subject so prepare to be enlightened!

After the tour we will head over to the newly renovated Clifton’s Cafeteria on Broadway for a late lunch/early dinner.

The event is currently filled. But, you can join the waiting list. More details at our Facebook page:

Monday, January 18, 2016

Club's Meeting Schedule for 2016 and other updates

Hello All

Hope everyone is enjoying this gloomy weather! J We had a productive planning meeting yesterday and have a full slate of meetings and activities planned for 2016. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it. We’re getting this information to you now so you can mark your calendars; however details for each meeting will be forthcoming. 

In addition to the meeting announcements we have included a link to the DFC survey below. This is open to members and friends of the club and is worth taking the time to fill out. Let them know what you think! Deadline is January 26th so hurry. (Clicking on the link below will take you directly to the survey.) 

Lastly, we will be losing our regular meeting location in Pasadena. We are looking for suggestions/leads on a meeting room. If you know of any place in the Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley area that has a meeting room (free or low cost) please let us know. Our first regular meeting is in May so we’ll need to come up with a location by then.

If you have any questions please let us know by sending an email to the official chapter email address:  Thank you and enjoy the what’s left of this month of January!

February - no meeting due to National DFC Show-and-Sale weekend. See the DFC website for details:

March 20th - Los Angeles County Fire Museum (Bellflower) - Ward Kimball fire engines, Emergency TV series vehicles, other vintage fire vehicles.

April 17th – LA Conservancy Union Station tour with a late lunch at Clifton's Cafeteria.

May 15th - Guest Speaker (TBD).

June 12th - "Little Mermaid" Broadway Musical at La Mirada Theater.

July 14th – LA/Studio Chapter hosting the Hospitality Suite at National DFC Convention – Tiki Night BINGO games for Chapter fundraiser.

August 21st - Guest Speaker (TBD).

September – No meeting planned for September.

October 29 - Huell Howser Exhibit at Chapman University / Anaheim Halloween Parade.

November – No meeting planned for November.

December 11th - Holiday Party at Ron King's house.

DFC Survey direct link:  (Deadline is January 26th!)
Official LA/Studio Chapter Email Address:

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January Meeting Notice - Sunday, January 17, 2016

Hello and Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a nice holiday as well. It went by so fast! Now that we are in the New Year it’s time to start planning for it. And that’s exactly what the goal is for our January meeting. Please stop by to say hi and help us plan out 2016! If you have any ideas for meetings or chapter outings now is your chance to let us know. In addition we’ll have some chapter updates, a raffle and refreshments. (If you would like to bring something for the snack table please feel free.) See below for all the details and other information. We hope to see you there!

Help us plan out 2016!

When: Sunday January 17th at 1PM
Where: 810 East Walnut Street, Pasadena CA 91101 (small parking lot at the church and parking on North Hudson Ave which is a one way street)
Any questions you can reply to Ron via this email.

Spread the word! – if you know of anyone who would like to receive our email blasts but is not currently getting them, please have them send their email address to Ron King. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested in the DFC and our chapter. Thank you!

DFC Survey – if you are a member of the national club you should have recently received an email with a link for a comprehensive survey. It’s worth taking the time to fill out and share your ideas and thoughts.