Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! - Holiday Party Announcement for Sunday, December 13th

Hello LA Chapter Family and Friends

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and, if you were so inclined, some successful black Friday shopping! Now that the holiday season is in full swing, we wanted to get you the information about our upcoming holiday party. Also included below is information about our January meeting. Happy Holidays and we hope to see you real soon!

Please join us for our annual Holiday Party!

·        When and Where – Sunday December 13th from noon to 5 PM in Norwalk, CA (We'll let you know the address in the confirmation e-mail.)
·        Pot Luck! – The chapter will supply a make your own sandwich platter, drinks and dessert. We ask that you bring your favorite salad, side dish or appetizer to share. (Note: we will have gluten free bread for those that may need it.)
·        Photo Booth – we’ll have a photo booth with props and hats. Take home a souvenir photo!
·        Raffle  We have some nice prizes to raffle off. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
·        Charity Donations – We’ll be accepting donations for some great charities. This is voluntary but we encourage everyone to participate. Bring a new unwrapped toy for the Spark of Love Toy Drive and/or non-expired boxed or canned food for the City of Norwalk Food Bank. We’ll deliver the toys and food the week after the party. Thank you!
·        Gift Exchange – if you would like to participate in the gift exchange please bring a wrapped gift valued around $10 - $20.
·        RSVP  so we have an idea of how much food to buy, please RSVP if you will be able to attend the party. Just reply to this email to RSVP or if you have any questions regarding the party.

January Meeting – our first meeting of 2016 will be held on Sunday January 17th at our regular meeting location in Pasadena. This will be a ‘members meeting’ to help plan out the year and take suggestions for future meetings or outings/field trips. More information will sent prior to the meeting. 

Chapter Email – just a reminder that the official email address for the chapter is  Please use this email for general correspondence and questions about the chapter. Thank you!

Monday, November 9, 2015

November Club Meeting - Sunday, November 15th

Hello Studio Chapter Members and Friends

Hope all of you had a fun and safe Halloween! The 3rd meeting of our 5 meeting ‘marathon’ is this Sunday! You can find details below. Hope you can all make it! Also, we have some information on hour holiday meeting in December below. Don’t forget to mark your calendars! 

Joseph Yakovetic is a multi-talented artist extraordinaire. You may have seen him at Disneyland carving some of those wonderful pumpkins in the now gone Halloween Jamboree area at the Big Thunder Ranch. (That area is sorely missed!) He has also made numerous appearances at the DFC conventions and was recently on the 2nd place winning team on The Food Networks ‘Halloween Wars’ show. (And they did some amazing work!) Joseph has a lot of information to share so we hope you can join us at our regular meeting location in Pasadena! As usual we’ll have a raffle and refreshments. (Please feel free to bring in some goodies to share!) For more information on Joseph please click on the link below. 

When: Sunday November 15th at 1PM
Where: 810 East Walnut Street, Pasadena CA 91101 (small parking lot at the church and parking on North Hudson Ave which is a one way street)
Any questions you can reply to Ron via this email.

December Holiday Meeting – Please join us for our annual Holiday meeting on Sunday December 13th at 12 noon. (Note this is the 2nd Sunday in December and we’ll be starting at noon vs. the usual 1 PM.) We’ll be having pot luck for lunch, raffle prizes, puzzles and a photo booth. It will be at the home of Ron King in Norwalk. We’ll be sending out more information but please mark your calendar in the meantime. Hope you can make it!

January Meeting – this will be a ‘members meeting’ where all are welcome and we’ll plan out the year for 2016 and take suggestions for possible future meetings. We already have a few things/ideas up our sleeves but hope you can make it to share in the planning. This one will be at our regular meeting location in Pasadena on Sunday January 17th at 1 PM. Please note this date is tentative but if any changes are made we’ll let you know.

Lastly – if you know of anyone who would like to receive our email blasts but is not currently getting them, please have them send their email address to Ron King. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested in the DFC and our chapter. Thank you!